Сообщения PVS-Studio
- График количества диагностик в PVS-Studio
- Какие ошибки ловит PVS-Studio?
- Диагностические возможности PVS-Studio
- Список всех диагностик анализатора в XML
- Диагностики общего назначения (General Analysis, C++)
- Диагностики общего назначения (General Analysis, C#)
- Диагностики общего назначения (General Analysis, Java)
- Микрооптимизации (C++)
- Микрооптимизации (C#)
- Диагностика 64-битных ошибок (Viva64, C++)
- Реализовано по запросам пользователей (C++)
- Cтандарт MISRA
- Стандарт AUTOSAR
- Стандарт OWASP (C++)
- Стандарт OWASP (C#)
- Стандарт OWASP (Java)
- Проблемы при работе анализатора кода
График количества диагностик в PVS-Studio
Анализатор PVS-Studio активно развивается. Например, наша команда постоянно совершенствует его интеграцию с различными CI/CD системами и средами разработки, добавляет поддержку новых платформ и компиляторов. Однако лучше всего развитие возможностей анализатора показывает график количества диагностик.

Рисунок 1. Увеличение количества диагностик в PVS-Studio
Как видите, мы активно совершенствуем возможности анализатора по выявлению новых паттернов ошибок. Более подробная информация по нововведениям в различных версиях анализатора представлена ниже. Вы также можете почитать об изменениях в PVS-Studio за последний год в нашем блоге.
Какие ошибки ловит PVS-Studio?
Мы постарались объединить большинство диагностик в несколько групп, чтобы вы могли получить общее представление о возможностях анализатора кода PVS-Studio.
Так как разделение весьма условно, некоторые диагностики входят в несколько групп. Например, неправильное условие if (abc == abc)
можно одновременно интерпретировать и как простую опечатку, и как проблему безопасности, так как ошибка приводит к уязвимости кода при некорректных входных данных.
Некоторым ошибкам, наоборот, места в таблице не нашлось — уж слишком они специфичны. Тем не менее, таблица в целом даёт представление о функциональности статического анализатора кода.
Диагностические возможности PVS-Studio
Основные диагностические возможности PVS-Studio |
Диагностики |
64-битные ошибки |
C, C++: V101-V128, V201-V207, V220, V221, V301-V303 |
Адрес локальной переменной возвращается из функции по ссылке |
C, C++: V506, V507, V558, V723, V758, V1017, V1047 |
Арифметическое переполнение, потеря значимости |
C, C++: V569, V636, V658, V784, V786, V1012, V1026, V1028, V1029, V1033, V1070, V1081, V1083, V1085, V1112
C#: V3041, V3200, V3204, V3217
Java: V6011, V6088, V6117 |
Выход за границу массива |
C, C++: V557, V582, V643, V781, V1038, V1111
C#: V3106
Java: V6025, V6079 |
Двойное освобождение ресурсов |
C, C++: V586, V749, V1002, V1006 |
Мёртвый код |
C, C++: V606, V607
Java: V6021 |
Микрооптимизации |
C, C++: V801, V802, V803, V804, V805, V806, V807, V808, V809, V810, V811, V812, V813, V814, V815, V816, V817, V818, V819, V820, V821, V822, V823, V824, V825, V826, V827, V828, V829, V830, V831, V832, V833, V834, V835, V836, V837, V838, V839
C#: V4001, V4002, V4003, V4004, V4005, V4006, V4007, V4008 |
Недостижимый код |
C, C++: V517, V551, V695, V734, V776, V779, V785
C#: V3136, V3142, V3202
Java: V6018, V6019 |
Неинициализированные переменные |
C, C++: V573, V614, V679, V730, V737, V788, V1007, V1050, V1077, V1086
C#: V3070, V3128
Java: V6036, V6050, V6052, V6090 |
Неиспользуемые переменные |
C, C++: V603, V751, V763, V1001, V1079
C#: V3061, V3065, V3077, V3117, V3137, V3143, V3196, V3203
Java: V6021, V6022, V6023 |
Некорректные операции сдвига |
C, C++: V610, V629, V673, V684, V770, V1093
C#: V3134
Java: V6034, V6069 |
Неопределенное/неуточняемое поведение |
C, C++: V567, V610, V611, V681, V694, V704, V708, V726, V736, V772, V1007, V1016, V1026, V1032, V1061, V1066, V1069, V1082, V1091, V1094, V1097, V1099 |
Неправильная работа с типами (HRESULT, BSTR, BOOL, VARIANT_BOOL, float, double) |
C, C++: V543, V544, V545, V556, V615, V636, V676, V716, V721, V724, V745, V750, V767, V768, V771, V772, V775, V1014, V1027, V1034, V1046, V1060, V1066, V1084
C#: V3041, V3059, V3076, V3111, V3121, V3148
Java: V6038, V6108 |
Неправильное представление о работе функции/класса |
C, C++: V515, V518, V530, V540, V541, V554, V575, V597, V598, V618, V630, V632, V663, V668, V698, V701, V702, V717, V718, V720, V723, V725, V727, V738, V742, V743, V748, V762, V764, V780, V789, V797, V1014, V1024, V1031, V1035, V1045, V1052, V1053, V1054, V1057, V1060, V1066, V1098, V1100, V1107, V1115
C#: V3010, V3057, V3068, V3072, V3073, V3074, V3078, V3082, V3084, V3094, V3096, V3097, V3102, V3103, V3104, V3108, V3114, V3115, V3118, V3123, V3126, V3145, V3178, V3186, V3192, V3194, V3195, V3197
Java: V6009, V6010, V6016, V6026, V6029, V6049, V6055, V6058, V6064, V6068, V6081, V6110, V6116, V6122, V6125 |
Опечатки |
C, C++: V501, V503, V504, V508, V511, V516, V519, V520, V521, V525, V527, V528, V529, V532, V533, V534, V535, V536, V537, V539, V546, V549, V552, V556, V559, V560, V561, V564, V568, V570, V571, V575, V577, V578, V584, V587, V588, V589, V590, V592, V602, V604, V606, V607, V616, V617, V620, V621, V622, V625, V626, V627, V633, V637, V638, V639, V644, V646, V650, V651, V653, V654, V655, V657, V660, V661, V662, V666, V669, V671, V672, V678, V682, V683, V693, V715, V722, V735, V741, V747, V753, V754, V756, V765, V767, V768, V770, V771, V787, V791, V792, V796, V1013, V1015, V1021, V1040, V1051, V1055, V1074, V1094, V1113
C#: V3001, V3003, V3005, V3007, V3008, V3009, V3011, V3012, V3014, V3015, V3016, V3020, V3028, V3029, V3034, V3035, V3036, V3037, V3038, V3050, V3055, V3056, V3057, V3060, V3062, V3063, V3066, V3081, V3086, V3091, V3092, V3093, V3102, V3107, V3109, V3110, V3112, V3113, V3116, V3118, V3122, V3124, V3132, V3140, V3170, V3174, V3185, V3187
Java: V6001, V6005, V6009, V6012, V6014, V6015, V6016, V6017, V6021, V6026, V6028, V6029, V6030, V6031, V6037, V6041, V6042, V6043, V6045, V6057, V6059, V6061, V6062, V6063, V6077, V6080, V6085, V6091, V6105, V6112 |
Отсутствие виртуального деструктора |
C, C++: V599, V689 |
Оформление кода не совпадает с логикой его работы |
C, C++: V563, V612, V628, V640, V646, V705, V709, V715, V1044, V1073
C#: V3007, V3018, V3033, V3043, V3067, V3069, V3138, V3150, V3172, V3183
Java: V6040, V6047, V6063, V6086, V6089 |
Ошибки из-за Copy-Paste |
C, C++: V501, V517, V519, V523, V524, V571, V581, V649, V656, V666, V691, V760, V766, V778, V1037
C#: V3001, V3003, V3004, V3008, V3012, V3013, V3021, V3030, V3058, V3127, V3139, V3140
Java: V6003, V6004, V6012, V6021, V6027, V6032, V6033, V6039, V6067, V6072 |
Ошибки при работе с исключениями |
C, C++: V509, V565, V596, V667, V668, V740, V741, V746, V759, V1022, V1045, V1067, V1090
C#: V3006, V3052, V3100, V3141, V3163, V3164, V5606, V5607
Java: V6006, V6051, V6103 |
Переполнение буфера |
C, C++: V512, V514, V594, V635, V641, V645, V752, V755 |
Проблемы безопасности |
C, C++: V505, V510, V511, V512, V518, V531, V541, V547, V559, V560, V569, V570, V575, V576, V579, V583, V597, V598, V618, V623, V631, V642, V645, V675, V676, V724, V727, V729, V733, V743, V745, V750, V771, V774, V782, V1003, V1005, V1010, V1017, V1055, V1072, V1076, V1113
C#: V3022, V3023, V3025, V3027, V3039, V3053, V3063, V5601, V5608, V5609, V5610, V5611, V5612, V5613, V5614, V5615, V5616, V5617, V5618, V5619, V5620, V5621, V5622, V5623, V5624, V5625, V5626, V5627, V5628
Java: V5305, V5309, V5312, V5313, V5314, V5315, V5316, V5317, V5318, V5319, V6007, V6046, V6054, V6109 |
Путаница с приоритетом операций |
C, C++: V502, V562, V593, V634, V648, V727, V733, V1003, V1104
C#: V3130, V3133, V3177, V3207
Java: V6044 |
Разыменование нулевого указателя/нулевой ссылки |
C, C++: V522, V595, V664, V713, V757, V769
C#: V3019, V3042, V3080, V3095, V3105, V3125, V3141, V3145, V3146, V3148, V3149, V3153, V3156, V3168
Java: V6008, V6060, V6093 |
Разыменование параметров без предварительной проверки |
C, C++: V595, V664, V783, V1004
C#: V3095
Java: V6060 |
Ошибки синхронизации |
C, C++: V712, V720, V744, V1011, V1018, V1025, V1036, V1088, V1089, V1114
C#: V3032, V3054, V3079, V3082, V3083, V3089, V3090, V3147, V3167, V3168, V3190
Java: V6064, V6070, V6074, V6082, V6095, V6102, V6125 |
Утечки ресурсов |
C, C++: V599, V701, V773, V1020, V1023, V1100, V1106, V1110
Java: V6114, V6115 |
Целочисленное деление на 0 |
C, C++: V609
C#: V3064, V3151, V3152
Java: V6020 |
Ошибки сериализации / десериализации |
C, C++: V513, V663, V739, V1024, V1095
C#: V3094, V3096, V3097, V3099, V3103, V3104, V3193, V5611
Java: V6065, V6075, V6076, V6083, V6087 |
Диагностики, созданные по специальным просьбам пользователей |
C, C++: V2001, V2002, V2003, V2004, V2005, V2006, V2007, V2008, V2009, V2010, V2011, V2012, V2013, V2014, V2022 |
Таблица 1 — Возможности PVS-Studio
Как видите, анализатор максимально проявляет себя в таких областях, как поиск ошибок, возникших из-за опечаток и Copy-Paste. Хорошо диагностирует проблемы, связанные с безопасностью кода.
О том, как всё это работает на практике, можно узнать, заглянув в базу ошибок. Мы собираем в эту базу все ошибки, найденные во время проверок различных открытых проектов с помощью PVS-Studio.
Список всех диагностик анализатора в XML
Список диагностик анализатора в формате XML, предназначенный для автоматического разбора, доступен по постоянной ссылке здесь.
Диагностики общего назначения (General Analysis, C++)
- V501. Identical sub-expressions to the left and to the right of 'foo' operator.
- V502. The '?:' operator may not work as expected. The '?:' operator has a lower priority than the 'foo' operator.
- V503. Nonsensical comparison: pointer < 0.
- V504. Semicolon ';' is probably missing after the 'return' keyword.
- V505. The 'alloca' function is used inside the loop. This can quickly overflow stack.
- V506. Pointer to local variable 'X' is stored outside the scope of this variable. Such a pointer will become invalid.
- V507. Pointer to local array 'X' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid.
- V508. The 'new type(n)' pattern was detected. Probably meant: 'new type[n]'.
- V509. Exceptions raised inside noexcept functions must be wrapped in a try..catch block.
- V510. The 'Foo' function receives class-type variable as Nth actual argument. This is unexpected behavior.
- V511. The sizeof() operator returns pointer size instead of array size.
- V512. Call of the 'Foo' function will lead to buffer overflow.
- V513. Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions.
- V514. Potential logical error. Size of a pointer is divided by another value.
- V515. The 'delete' operator is applied to non-pointer.
- V516. Non-null function pointer is compared to null. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V517. Potential logical error. The 'if (A) {...} else if (A) {...}' pattern was detected.
- V518. The 'malloc' function allocates suspicious amount of memory calculated by 'strlen(expr)'. Perhaps the correct expression is strlen(expr) + 1.
- V519. The 'x' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake.
- V520. Comma operator ',' in array index expression.
- V521. Expressions that use comma operator ',' are dangerous. Make sure the expression is correct.
- V522. Possible null pointer dereference.
- V523. The 'then' statement is equivalent to the 'else' statement.
- V524. It is suspicious that the body of 'Foo_1' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Foo_2' function.
- V525. Code contains collection of similar blocks. Check items X, Y, Z, ... in lines N1, N2, N3, ...
- V526. The 'strcmp' function returns 0 if corresponding strings are equal. Consider inspecting the condition for mistakes.
- V527. The 'zero' value is assigned to pointer. Probably meant: *ptr = zero.
- V528. Pointer is compared with 'zero' value. Probably meant: *ptr != zero.
- V529. Suspicious semicolon ';' after 'if/for/while' operator.
- V530. Return value of 'Foo' function is required to be used.
- V531. The sizeof() operator is multiplied by sizeof(). Consider inspecting the expression.
- V532. Consider inspecting the statement of '*pointer++' pattern. Probably meant: '(*pointer)++'.
- V533. It is possible that a wrong variable is incremented inside the 'for' operator. Consider inspecting 'X'.
- V534. It is possible that a wrong variable is compared inside the 'for' operator. Consider inspecting 'X'.
- V535. The 'X' variable is used for this loop and outer loops.
- V536. Constant value is represented by an octal form.
- V537. Potential incorrect use of item 'X'. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V538. The line contains control character 0x0B (vertical tabulation).
- V539. Iterators are passed as arguments to 'Foo' function. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V540. Member 'x' should point to string terminated by two 0 characters.
- V541. String is printed into itself. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V542. Suspicious type cast: 'Type1' to ' Type2'. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V543. It is suspicious that value 'X' is assigned to the variable 'Y' of HRESULT type.
- V544. It is suspicious that the value 'X' of HRESULT type is compared with 'Y'.
- V545. Conditional expression of 'if' statement is incorrect for the HRESULT type value 'Foo'. The SUCCEEDED or FAILED macro should be used instead.
- V546. The 'Foo(Foo)' class member is initialized with itself.
- V547. Expression is always true/false.
- V548. TYPE X[][] is not equivalent to TYPE **X. Consider inspecting type casting.
- V549. The 'first' argument of 'Foo' function is equal to the 'second' argument.
- V550. Suspicious precise comparison. Consider using a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) < Epsilon or fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.
- V551. Unreachable code under a 'case' label.
- V552. A bool type variable is incremented. Perhaps another variable should be incremented instead.
- V553. Length of function body or class declaration is more than 2000 lines. Consider refactoring the code.
- V554. Incorrect use of smart pointer.
- V555. Expression of the 'A - B > 0' kind will work as 'A != B'.
- V556. Values of different enum types are compared.
- V557. Possible array overrun.
- V558. Function returns pointer/reference to temporary local object.
- V559. Suspicious assignment inside the conditional expression of 'if/while/for' statement.
- V560. Part of conditional expression is always true/false.
- V561. Consider assigning value to 'foo' variable instead of declaring it anew.
- V562. Bool type value is compared with value of N. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V563. An 'else' branch may apply to the previous 'if' statement.
- V564. The '&' or '|' operator is applied to bool type value. Check for missing parentheses or use the '&&' or '||' operator.
- V565. Empty exception handler. Silent suppression of exceptions can hide errors in source code during testing.
- V566. Integer constant is converted to pointer. Check for an error or bad coding style.
- V567. Modification of variable is unsequenced relative to another operation on the same variable. This may lead to undefined behavior.
- V568. It is suspicious that the argument of sizeof() operator is the expression.
- V569. Truncation of constant value.
- V570. Variable is assigned to itself.
- V571. Recurring check. This condition was already verified in previous line.
- V572. Object created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V573. Use of uninitialized variable 'Foo'. The variable was used to initialize itself.
- V574. Pointer is used both as an array and as a pointer to single object.
- V575. Function receives suspicious argument.
- V576. Incorrect format. Consider checking the Nth actual argument of the 'Foo' function.
- V577. Label is present inside switch(). Check for typos and consider using the 'default:' operator instead.
- V578. Suspicious bitwise operation was detected. Consider inspecting it.
- V579. The 'Foo' function receives the pointer and its size as arguments. This may be a potential error. Inspect the Nth argument.
- V580. Suspicious explicit type casting. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V581. Conditional expressions of 'if' statements located next to each other are identical.
- V582. Consider reviewing the source code that uses the container.
- V583. The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns the same value.
- V584. Same value is present on both sides of the operator. The expression is incorrect or can be simplified.
- V585. Attempt to release memory that stores the 'Foo' local variable.
- V586. The 'Foo' function is called twice to deallocate the same resource.
- V587. Suspicious sequence of assignments: A = B; B = A;.
- V588. Expression of the 'A =+ B' kind is used. Possibly meant: 'A += B'. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V589. Expression of the 'A =- B' kind is used. Possibly meant: 'A -= B'. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V590. Possible excessive expression or typo. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V591. Non-void function must return value.
- V592. Expression is enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or typo is present.
- V593. Expression 'A = B == C' is calculated as 'A = (B == C)'. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V594. Pointer to array is out of array bounds.
- V595. Pointer was used before its check for nullptr. Check lines: N1, N2.
- V596. Object was created but is not used. Check for missing 'throw' keyword.
- V597. Compiler may delete 'memset' function call that is used to clear 'Foo' buffer. Use the RtlSecureZeroMemory() function to erase private data.
- V598. Memory manipulation function is used to work with a class object containing a virtual table pointer. The result of such an operation may be unexpected.
- V599. The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'Foo' class contains virtual functions.
- V600. The 'Foo' pointer is always not equal to NULL. Consider inspecting the condition.
- V601. Suspicious implicit type casting.
- V602. The '<' operator should probably be replaced with '<<'. Consider inspecting this expression.
- V603. Object was created but not used. If you wish to call constructor, use 'this->Foo::Foo(....)'.
- V604. Number of iterations in loop equals size of a pointer. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V605. Unsigned value is compared to the NN number. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V606. Ownerless token 'Foo'.
- V607. Ownerless expression 'Foo'.
- V608. Recurring sequence of explicit type casts.
- V609. Possible division or mod by zero.
- V610. Undefined behavior. Check the shift operator.
- V611. Memory allocation and deallocation methods are incompatible.
- V612. Unconditional 'break/continue/return/goto' within a loop.
- V613. Suspicious pointer arithmetic with 'malloc/new'.
- V614. Use of 'Foo' uninitialized variable.
- V615. Suspicious explicit conversion from 'float *' type to 'double *' type.
- V616. Use of 'Foo' named constant with 0 value in bitwise operation.
- V617. Argument of the '|' bitwise operation always contains non-zero value. Consider inspecting the condition.
- V618. Dangerous call of 'Foo' function. The passed line may contain format specification. Example of safe code: printf("%s", str);
- V619. Array is used as pointer to single object.
- V620. Expression of sizeof(T)*N kind is summed up with pointer to T type. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V621. Loop may execute incorrectly or may not execute at all. Consider inspecting the 'for' operator.
- V622. First 'case' operator may be missing. Consider inspecting the 'switch' statement.
- V623. Temporary object is created and then destroyed. Consider inspecting the '?:' operator.
- V624. Use of constant NN. The resulting value may be inaccurate. Consider using the M_NN constant from <math.h>.
- V625. Initial and final values of the iterator are the same. Consider inspecting the 'for' operator.
- V626. It's possible that ',' should be replaced by ';'. Consider checking for typos.
- V627. Argument of sizeof() is a macro, which expands to a number. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V628. It is possible that a line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logic.
- V629. Bit shifting of the 32-bit value with a subsequent expansion to the 64-bit type. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V630. The 'malloc' function is used to allocate memory for an array of objects that are classes containing constructors/destructors.
- V631. Defining absolute path to file or directory is considered a poor coding style. Consider inspecting the 'Foo' function call.
- V632. Argument is of the 'T' type. Consider inspecting the NN argument of the 'Foo' function.
- V633. The '!=' operator should probably be used here. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V634. Priority of '+' operation is higher than priority of '<<' operation. Consider using parentheses in the expression.
- V635. Length should be probably multiplied by sizeof(wchar_t). Consider inspecting the expression.
- V636. Expression was implicitly cast from integer type to real type. Consider using an explicit type cast to avoid overflow or loss of a fractional part.
- V637. Use of two opposite conditions. The second condition is always false.
- V638. Terminal null is present inside a string. Use of '\0xNN' characters. Probably meant: '\xNN'.
- V639. One of closing ')' parentheses is probably positioned incorrectly. Consider inspecting the expression for function call.
- V640. Code's operational logic does not correspond with its formatting.
- V641. Buffer size is not a multiple of element size.
- V642. Function result is saved inside the 'byte' type variable. Significant bits may be lost. This may break the program's logic.
- V643. Suspicious pointer arithmetic. Value of 'char' type is added to a string pointer.
- V644. Suspicious function declaration. Consider creating a 'T' type object.
- V645. Function call may lead to buffer overflow. Bounds should not contain size of a buffer, but a number of characters it can hold.
- V646. The 'else' keyword may be missing. Consider inspecting the program's logic.
- V647. Value of 'A' type is assigned to a pointer of 'B' type.
- V648. Priority of '&&' operation is higher than priority of '||' operation.
- V649. Two 'if' statements with identical conditional expressions. The first 'if' statement contains function return. This means that the second 'if' statement is senseless.
- V650. Type casting is used 2 times in a row. The '+' operation is executed. Probably meant: (T1)((T2)a + b).
- V651. Suspicious operation of 'sizeof(X)/sizeof(T)' kind, where 'X' is of the 'class' type.
- V652. Operation is executed 3 or more times in a row.
- V653. Suspicious string consisting of two parts is used for initialization. Comma may be missing.
- V654. Condition of a loop is always true/false.
- V655. Strings were concatenated but not used. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V656. Variables are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code.
- V657. Function always returns the same value of NN. Consider inspecting the function.
- V658. Value is subtracted from unsigned variable. It can result in an overflow. In such a case, the comparison operation may behave unexpectedly.
- V659. Functions' declarations with 'Foo' name differ in 'const' keyword only, while these functions' bodies have different composition. It is suspicious and can possibly be an error.
- V660. Program contains an unused label and function call: 'CC:AA()'. Probably meant: 'CC::AA()'.
- V661. Suspicious expression 'A[B < C]'. Probably meant 'A[B] < C'.
- V662. Different containers are used to set up initial and final values of iterator. Consider inspecting the loop expression.
- V663. Infinite loop is possible. The 'cin.eof()' condition is insufficient to break from the loop. Consider adding the 'cin.fail()' function call to the conditional expression.
- V664. Pointer is dereferenced on the initialization list before its check for null inside the body of a constructor function.
- V665. Possible incorrect use of '#pragma warning(default: X)'. The '#pragma warning(push/pop)' should be used instead.
- V666. Value may not correspond with the length of a string passed with YY argument. Consider inspecting the NNth argument of the 'Foo' function.
- V667. The 'throw' operator does not have any arguments and is not located within the 'catch' block.
- V668. Possible meaningless check for null, as memory was allocated using 'new' operator. Memory allocation will lead to an exception.
- V669. Argument is a non-constant reference. The analyzer is unable to determine the position where this argument is modified. Consider checking the function for an error.
- V670. Uninitialized class member is used to initialize another member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class.
- V671. The 'swap' function may interchange a variable with itself.
- V672. It is possible that creating a new variable is unnecessary. One of the function's arguments has the same name and this argument is a reference.
- V673. More than N bits are required to store the value, but the expression evaluates to the T type which can only hold K bits.
- V674. Expression contains a suspicious mix of integer and real types.
- V675. Writing into read-only memory.
- V676. Incorrect comparison of BOOL type variable with TRUE.
- V677. Custom declaration of standard type. Consider using the declaration from system header files instead.
- V678. Object is used as an argument to its own method. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'Foo' function.
- V679. The 'X' variable was not initialized. This variable is passed by reference to the 'Foo' function in which its value will be used.
- V680. The 'delete A, B' expression only destroys the 'A' object. Then the ',' operator returns a resulting value from the right side of the expression.
- V681. The language standard does not define order in which 'Foo' functions are called during evaluation of arguments.
- V682. Suspicious literal: '/r'. It is possible that a backslash should be used instead: '\r'.
- V683. The 'i' variable should probably be incremented instead of the 'n' variable. Consider inspecting the loop expression.
- V684. Value of variable is not modified. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V685. The expression contains a comma. Consider inspecting the return statement.
- V686. Pattern A || (A && ...) was detected. The expression is excessive or contains a logical error.
- V687. Size of array calculated by sizeof() operator was added to a pointer. It is possible that the number of elements should be calculated by sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]).
- V688. The 'foo' local variable has the same name as one of class members. This can result in confusion.
- V689. Destructor of 'Foo' class is not declared as virtual. A smart pointer may not destroy an object correctly.
- V690. The class implements a copy constructor/operator=, but lacks the operator=/copy constructor.
- V691. Empirical analysis. Possible typo inside the string literal. The 'foo' word is suspicious.
- V692. Inappropriate attempt to append a null character to a string. To determine the length of a string by 'strlen' function correctly, use a string ending with a null terminator in the first place.
- V693. It is possible that 'i < X.size()' should be used instead of 'X.size()'. Consider inspecting conditional expression of the loop.
- V694. The condition (ptr - const_value) is only false if the value of a pointer equals a magic constant.
- V695. Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions.
- V696. The 'continue' operator will terminate 'do { ... } while (FALSE)' loop because the condition is always false.
- V697. Number of elements in the allocated array equals the size of a pointer in bytes.
- V698. Functions of strcmp() kind can return any values, not only -1, 0, or 1.
- V699. It is possible that 'foo = bar == baz ? .... : ....' should be used here instead of 'foo = bar = baz ? .... : ....'. Consider inspecting the expression.
- V700. It is suspicious that variable is initialized through itself. Consider inspecting the 'T foo = foo = x;' expression.
- V701. Possible realloc() leak: when realloc() fails to allocate memory, original pointer is lost. Consider assigning realloc() to a temporary pointer.
- V702. Classes should always be derived from std::exception (and alike) as 'public'.
- V703. It is suspicious that the 'foo' field in derived class overwrites field in base class.
- V704. The expression is always false on newer compilers. Avoid using 'this == 0' comparison.
- V705. It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics.
- V706. Suspicious division: sizeof(X) / Value. Size of every element in X array is not equal to divisor.
- V707. Giving short names to global variables is considered to be bad practice.
- V708. Dangerous construction is used: 'm[x] = m.size()', where 'm' is of 'T' class. This may lead to undefined behavior.
- V709. Suspicious comparison found: 'a == b == c'. Remember that 'a == b == c' is not equal to 'a == b && b == c'.
- V710. Suspicious declaration. There is no point to declare constant reference to a number.
- V711. It is dangerous to create a local variable within a loop with a same name as a variable controlling this loop.
- V712. Compiler may optimize out this loop or make it infinite. Use volatile variable(s) or synchronization primitives to avoid this.
- V713. Pointer was used in the logical expression before its check for nullptr in the same logical expression.
- V714. Variable is not passed into foreach loop by reference, but its value is changed inside of the loop.
- V715. The 'while' operator has empty body. This pattern is suspicious.
- V716. Suspicious type conversion: HRESULT -> BOOL (BOOL -> HRESULT).
- V717. It is suspicious to cast object of base class V to derived class U.
- V718. The 'Foo' function should not be called from 'DllMain' function.
- V719. The switch statement does not cover all values of the enum.
- V720. The 'SuspendThread' function is usually used when developing a debugger. See documentation for details.
- V721. The VARIANT_BOOL type is used incorrectly. The true value (VARIANT_TRUE) is defined as -1.
- V722. Abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression.
- V723. Function returns a pointer to the internal string buffer of a local object, which will be destroyed.
- V724. Converting integers or pointers to BOOL can lead to a loss of high-order bits. Non-zero value can become 'FALSE'.
- V725. Dangerous cast of 'this' to 'void*' type in the 'Base' class, as it is followed by a subsequent cast to 'Class' type.
- V726. Attempt to free memory containing the 'int A[10]' array by using the 'free(A)' function.
- V727. Return value of 'wcslen' function is not multiplied by 'sizeof(wchar_t)'.
- V728. Excessive check can be simplified. The '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions 'x' and '!x'.
- V729. Function body contains the 'X' label that is not used by any 'goto' statements.
- V730. Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor.
- V731. The variable of char type is compared with pointer to string.
- V732. Unary minus operator does not modify a bool type value.
- V733. It is possible that macro expansion resulted in incorrect evaluation order.
- V734. Excessive expression. Examine the substrings "abc" and "abcd".
- V735. Possibly an incorrect HTML. The "</XX>" closing tag was encountered, while the "</YY>" tag was expected.
- V736. The behavior is undefined for arithmetic or comparisons with pointers that do not point to members of the same array.
- V737. It is possible that ',' comma is missing at the end of the string.
- V738. Temporary anonymous object is used.
- V739. EOF should not be compared with a value of the 'char' type. Consider using the 'int' type.
- V740. Exception is of the 'int' type because NULL is defined as 0. Keyword 'nullptr' can be used for 'pointer' type exception.
- V741. Use of the throw (a, b); pattern. It is possible that type name was omitted: throw MyException(a, b);.
- V742. Function receives an address of a 'char' type variable instead of pointer to a buffer.
- V743. The memory areas must not overlap. Use 'memmove' function.
- V744. Temporary object is immediately destroyed after being created. Consider naming the object.
- V745. A 'wchar_t *' type string is incorrectly converted to 'BSTR' type string.
- V746. Object slicing. An exception should be caught by reference rather than by value.
- V747. Suspicious expression inside parentheses. A function name may be missing.
- V748. Memory for 'getline' function should be allocated only by 'malloc' or 'realloc' functions. Consider inspecting the first parameter of 'getline' function.
- V749. Destructor of the object will be invoked a second time after leaving the object's scope.
- V750. BSTR string becomes invalid. Notice that BSTR strings store their length before start of the text.
- V751. Parameter is not used inside function's body.
- V752. Creating an object with placement new requires a buffer of large size.
- V753. The '&=' operation always sets a value of 'Foo' variable to zero.
- V754. The expression of 'foo(foo(x))' pattern is excessive or contains an error.
- V755. Copying from potentially tainted data source. Buffer overflow is possible.
- V756. The 'X' counter is not used inside a nested loop. Consider inspecting usage of 'Y' counter.
- V757. It is possible that an incorrect variable is compared with null after type conversion using 'dynamic_cast'.
- V758. Reference was invalidated because of destruction of the temporary object returned by the function.
- V759. Violated order of exception handlers. Exception caught by handler for base class.
- V760. Two identical text blocks were detected. The second block starts with NN string.
- V761. NN identical blocks were found.
- V762. Consider inspecting virtual function arguments. See NN argument of function 'Foo' in derived class and base class.
- V763. Parameter is always rewritten in function body before being used.
- V764. Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to function.
- V765. Compound assignment expression 'X += X + N' is suspicious. Consider inspecting it for a possible error.
- V766. An item with the same key has already been added.
- V767. Suspicious access to element by a constant index inside a loop.
- V768. Variable is of enum type. It is suspicious that it is used as a variable of a Boolean-type.
- V769. The pointer in the expression equals nullptr. The resulting value is meaningless and should not be used.
- V770. Possible use of left shift operator instead of comparison operator.
- V771. The '?:' operator uses constants from different enums.
- V772. Calling the 'delete' operator for a void pointer will cause undefined behavior.
- V773. Function exited without releasing the pointer/handle. A memory/resource leak is possible.
- V774. Pointer was used after the memory was released.
- V775. It is suspicious that the BSTR data type is compared using a relational operator.
- V776. Potentially infinite loop. The variable in the loop exit condition does not change its value between iterations.
- V777. Dangerous widening type conversion from an array of derived-class objects to a base-class pointer.
- V778. Two similar code fragments. Perhaps, it is a typo and 'X' variable should be used instead of 'Y'.
- V779. Unreachable code was detected. It is possible that an error is present.
- V780. The object of non-passive (non-PDS) type cannot be used with the function.
- V781. Value of a variable is checked after it is used. Possible error in program's logic. Check lines: N1, N2.
- V782. It is pointless to compute the distance between the elements of different arrays.
- V783. Possible dereference of invalid iterator 'X'.
- V784. The size of the bit mask is less than the size of the first operand. This will cause the loss of the higher bits.
- V785. Constant expression in switch statement.
- V786. Assigning the value C to the X variable looks suspicious. The value range of the variable: [A, B].
- V787. Wrong variable is probably used in the for operator as an index.
- V788. Review captured variable in lambda expression.
- V789. Iterators for the container, used in the range-based for loop, become invalid upon a function call.
- V790. It is suspicious that the assignment operator takes an object by a non-constant reference and returns this object.
- V791. The initial value of the index in the nested loop equals 'i'. Consider using 'i + 1' instead.
- V792. The function located to the right of the '|' and '&' operators will be called regardless of the value of the left operand. Consider using '||' and '&&' instead.
- V793. It is suspicious that the result of the statement is a part of the condition. Perhaps, this statement should have been compared with something else.
- V794. The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &src'.
- V795. Size of the 'time_t' type is not 64 bits. After the year 2038, the program will work incorrectly.
- V796. A 'break' statement is probably missing in a 'switch' statement.
- V797. The function is used as if it returned a bool type. The return value of the function should probably be compared with std::string::npos.
- V798. The size of the dynamic array can be less than the number of elements in the initializer.
- V799. Variable is not used after memory is allocated for it. Consider checking the use of this variable.
- V1001. Variable is assigned but not used by the end of the function.
- V1002. Class that contains pointers, constructor and destructor is copied by the automatically generated operator= or copy constructor.
- V1003. Macro expression is dangerous or suspicious.
- V1004. Pointer was used unsafely after its check for nullptr.
- V1005. The resource was acquired using 'X' function but was released using incompatible 'Y' function.
- V1006. Several shared_ptr objects are initialized by the same pointer. A double memory deallocation will occur.
- V1007. Value from the uninitialized optional is used. It may be an error.
- V1008. No more than one iteration of the loop will be performed. Consider inspecting the 'for' operator.
- V1009. Check the array initialization. Only the first element is initialized explicitly.
- V1010. Unchecked tainted data is used in expression.
- V1011. Function execution could be deferred. Consider specifying execution policy explicitly.
- V1012. The expression is always false. Overflow check is incorrect.
- V1013. Suspicious subexpression in a sequence of similar comparisons.
- V1014. Structures with members of real type are compared byte-wise.
- V1015. Suspicious simultaneous use of bitwise and logical operators.
- V1016. The value is out of range of enum values. This causes unspecified or undefined behavior.
- V1017. Variable of the 'string_view' type references a temporary object, which will be removed after evaluation of an expression.
- V1018. Usage of a suspicious mutex wrapper. It is probably unused, uninitialized, or already locked.
- V1019. Compound assignment expression is used inside condition.
- V1020. Function exited without performing epilogue actions. It is possible that there is an error.
- V1021. The variable is assigned the same value on several loop iterations.
- V1022. Exception was thrown by pointer. Consider throwing it by value instead.
- V1023. A pointer without owner is added to the container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception.
- V1024. Potential use of invalid data. The stream is checked for EOF before reading from it but is not checked after reading.
- V1025. New variable with default value is created instead of 'std::unique_lock' that locks on the mutex.
- V1026. The variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.
- V1027. Pointer to an object of the class is cast to unrelated class.
- V1028. Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result.
- V1029. Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of function is written to N-bit variable.
- V1030. Variable is used after it is moved.
- V1031. Function is not declared. The passing of data to or from this function may be affected.
- V1032. Pointer is cast to a more strictly aligned pointer type.
- V1033. Variable is declared as auto in C. Its default type is int.
- V1034. Do not use real-type variables as loop counters.
- V1035. Only values returned from fgetpos() can be used as arguments to fsetpos().
- V1036. Potentially unsafe double-checked locking.
- V1037. Two or more case-branches perform the same actions.
- V1038. It is suspicious that a char or string literal is added to a pointer.
- V1039. Character escape is used in multicharacter literal. This causes implementation-defined behavior.
- V1040. Possible typo in the spelling of a pre-defined macro name.
- V1041. Class member is initialized with dangling reference.
- V1042. This file is marked with copyleft license, which requires you to open the derived source code.
- V1043. A global object variable is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
- V1044. Loop break conditions do not depend on the number of iterations.
- V1045. The DllMain function throws an exception. Consider wrapping the throw operator in a try..catch block.
- V1046. Unsafe usage of the 'bool' and integer types together in the operation '&='.
- V1047. Lifetime of the lambda is greater than lifetime of the local variable captured by reference.
- V1048. Variable 'foo' was assigned the same value.
- V1049. The 'foo' include guard is already defined in the 'bar1.h' header. The 'bar2.h' header will be excluded from compilation.
- V1050. Uninitialized class member is used when initializing the base class.
- V1051. It is possible that an assigned variable should be checked in the next condition. Consider checking for typos.
- V1052. Declaring virtual methods in a class marked as 'final' is pointless.
- V1053. Calling the 'foo' virtual function in the constructor/destructor may lead to unexpected result at runtime.
- V1054. Object slicing. Derived class object was copied to the base class object.
- V1055. The 'sizeof' expression returns the size of the container type, not the number of elements. Consider using the 'size()' function.
- V1056. The predefined identifier '__func__' always contains the string 'operator()' inside function body of the overloaded 'operator()'.
- V1057. Pseudo random sequence is the same at every program run. Consider assigning the seed to a value not known at compile-time.
- V1058. Nonsensical comparison of two different functions' addresses.
- V1059. Macro name overrides a keyword/reserved name. This may lead to undefined behavior.
- V1060. Passing 'BSTR ' to the 'SysAllocString' function may lead to incorrect object creation.
- V1061. Extending 'std' or 'posix' namespace may result in undefined behavior.
- V1062. Class defines a custom new or delete operator. The opposite operator must also be defined.
- V1063. The modulo by 1 operation is meaningless. The result will always be zero.
- V1064. The left operand of integer division is less than the right one. The result will always be zero.
- V1065. Expression can be simplified: check similar operands.
- V1066. The 'SysFreeString' function should be called only for objects of the 'BSTR' type.
- V1067. Throwing from exception constructor may lead to unexpected behavior.
- V1068. Do not define an unnamed namespace in a header file.
- V1069. Do not concatenate string literals with different prefixes.
- V1070. Signed value is converted to an unsigned one with subsequent expansion to a larger type in ternary operator.
- V1071. Return value is not always used. Consider inspecting the 'foo' function.
- V1072. Buffer needs to be securely cleared on all execution paths.
- V1073. Check the following code block after the 'if' statement. Consider checking for typos.
- V1074. Boundary between numeric escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.
- V1075. The function expects the file to be opened in one mode, but it was opened in different mode.
- V1076. Code contains invisible characters that may alter its logic. Consider enabling the display of invisible characters in the code editor.
- V1077. Constructor contains potentially uninitialized members.
- V1078. An empty container is iterated. The loop will not be executed.
- V1079. Parameter of 'std::stop_token' type is not used inside function's body.
- V1080. Call of 'std::is_constant_evaluated' function always returns the same value.
- V1081. Argument of abs() function is minimal negative value. Such absolute value can't be represented in two's complement. This leads to undefined behavior.
- V1082. Function marked as 'noreturn' may return control. This will result in undefined behavior.
- V1083. Signed integer overflow in arithmetic expression. This leads to undefined behavior.
- V1084. The expression is always true/false. The value is out of range of enum values.
- V1085. Negative value is implicitly converted to unsigned integer type in arithmetic expression.
- V1086. Call of the 'Foo' function will lead to buffer underflow.
- V1087. Upper bound of case range is less than its lower bound. This case may be unreachable.
- V1088. No objects are passed to the 'std::scoped_lock' constructor. No locking will be performed. This can cause concurrency issues.
- V1089. Waiting on condition variable without predicate. A thread can wait indefinitely or experience a spurious wake-up.
- V1090. The 'std::uncaught_exception' function is deprecated since C++17 and is removed in C++20. Consider replacing this function with 'std::uncaught_exceptions'.
- V1091. The pointer is cast to an integer type of a larger size. Casting pointer to a type of a larger size is an implementation-defined behavior.
- V1092. Recursive function call during the static/thread_local variable initialization might occur. This may lead to undefined behavior.
- V1093. The result of the right shift operation will always be 0. The right operand is greater than or equal to the number of bits in the left operand.
- V1094. Conditional escape sequence in literal. Its representation is implementation-defined.
- V1095. Usage of potentially invalid handle. The value should be non-negative.
- V1096. Variable with static storage duration is declared inside the inline function with external linkage. This may lead to ODR violation.
- V1097. Line splice results in a character sequence that matches the syntax of a universal-character-name. Using this sequence lead to undefined behavior.
- V1098. The 'emplace' / 'insert' function call contains potentially dangerous move operation. Moved object can be destroyed even if there is no insertion.
- V1099. Using the function of uninitialized derived class while initializing the base class will lead to undefined behavior.
- V1100. Unreal Engine. Declaring a pointer to a type derived from 'UObject' in a class that is not derived from 'UObject' is dangerous. The pointer may start pointing to an invalid object after garbage collection.
- V1101. Changing the default argument of a virtual function parameter in a derived class may result in unexpected behavior.
- V1102. Unreal Engine. Violation of naming conventions may cause Unreal Header Tool to work incorrectly.
- V1103. The values of padding bytes are unspecified. Comparing objects with padding using 'memcmp' may lead to unexpected result.
- V1104. Priority of the 'M' operator is higher than that of the 'N' operator. Possible missing parentheses.
- V1105. Suspicious string modification using the 'operator+='. The right operand is implicitly converted to a character type.
- V1106. Qt. Class inherited from 'QObject' should contain at least one constructor that takes a pointer to 'QObject'.
- V1107. Function was declared as accepting unspecified number of parameters. Consider explicitly specifying the function parameters list.
- V1108. Constraint specified in a custom function annotation on the parameter is violated.
- V1109. Function is deprecated. Consider switching to an equivalent newer function.
- V1110. Constructor of a class inherited from 'QObject' does not use a pointer to a parent object.
- V1111. The index was used without check after it was checked in previous lines.
- V1112. Comparing expressions with different signedness can lead to unexpected results.
- V1113. Potential resource leak. Calling the 'memset' function will change the pointer itself, not the allocated resource. Check the first and third arguments.
- V1114. Suspicious use of type conversion operator when working with COM interfaces. Consider using the 'QueryInterface' member function.
- V1115. Function annotated with the 'pure' attribute has side effects.
- V1116. Creating an exception object without an explanatory message may result in insufficient logging.
- V1117. The declared function type is cv-qualified. The behavior when using this type is undefined.
Диагностики общего назначения (General Analysis, C#)
- V3001. There are identical sub-expressions to the left and to the right of the 'foo' operator.
- V3002. The switch statement does not cover all values of the enum.
- V3003. The use of 'if (A) {...} else if (A) {...}' pattern was detected. There is a probability of logical error presence.
- V3004. The 'then' statement is equivalent to the 'else' statement.
- V3005. The 'x' variable is assigned to itself.
- V3006. The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing.
- V3007. Odd semicolon ';' after 'if/for/while' operator.
- V3008. The 'x' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake.
- V3009. It's odd that this method always returns one and the same value of NN.
- V3010. The return value of function 'Foo' is required to be utilized.
- V3011. Two opposite conditions were encountered. The second condition is always false.
- V3012. The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value.
- V3013. It is odd that the body of 'Foo_1' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Foo_2' function.
- V3014. It is likely that a wrong variable is being incremented inside the 'for' operator. Consider reviewing 'X'.
- V3015. It is likely that a wrong variable is being compared inside the 'for' operator. Consider reviewing 'X'.
- V3016. The variable 'X' is being used for this loop and for the outer loop.
- V3017. A pattern was detected: A || (A && ...). The expression is excessive or contains a logical error.
- V3018. Consider inspecting the application's logic. It's possible that 'else' keyword is missing.
- V3019. It is possible that an incorrect variable is compared with null after type conversion using 'as' keyword.
- V3020. An unconditional 'break/continue/return/goto' within a loop.
- V3021. There are two 'if' statements with identical conditional expressions. The first 'if' statement contains method return. This means that the second 'if' statement is senseless.
- V3022. Expression is always true/false.
- V3023. Consider inspecting this expression. The expression is excessive or contains a misprint.
- V3024. An odd precise comparison. Consider using a comparison with defined precision: Math.Abs(A - B) < Epsilon or Math.Abs(A - B) > Epsilon.
- V3025. Incorrect format. Consider checking the N format items of the 'Foo' function.
- V3026. The constant NN is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the KK constant.
- V3027. The variable was utilized in the logical expression before it was verified against null in the same logical expression.
- V3028. Consider inspecting the 'for' operator. Initial and final values of the iterator are the same.
- V3029. The conditional expressions of the 'if' statements situated alongside each other are identical.
- V3030. Recurring check. This condition was already verified in previous line.
- V3031. An excessive check can be simplified. The operator '||' operator is surrounded by opposite expressions 'x' and '!x'.
- V3032. Waiting on this expression is unreliable, as compiler may optimize some of the variables. Use volatile variable(s) or synchronization primitives to avoid this.
- V3033. It is possible that this 'else' branch must apply to the previous 'if' statement.
- V3034. Consider inspecting the expression. Probably the '!=' should be used here.
- V3035. Consider inspecting the expression. Probably the '+=' should be used here.
- V3036. Consider inspecting the expression. Probably the '-=' should be used here.
- V3037. An odd sequence of assignments of this kind: A = B; B = A;
- V3038. The argument was passed to method several times. It is possible that another argument should be passed instead.
- V3039. Consider inspecting the 'Foo' function call. Defining an absolute path to the file or directory is considered a poor style.
- V3040. The expression contains a suspicious mix of integer and real types.
- V3041. The expression was implicitly cast from integer type to real type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part.
- V3042. Possible NullReferenceException. The '?.' and '.' operators are used for accessing members of the same object.
- V3043. The code's operational logic does not correspond with its formatting.
- V3044. WPF: writing and reading are performed on a different Dependency Properties.
- V3045. WPF: the names of the property registered for DependencyProperty, and of the property used to access it, do not correspond with each other.
- V3046. WPF: the type registered for DependencyProperty does not correspond with the type of the property used to access it.
- V3047. WPF: A class containing registered property does not correspond with a type that is passed as the ownerType.type.
- V3048. WPF: several Dependency Properties are registered with a same name within the owner type.
- V3049. WPF: readonly field of 'DependencyProperty' type is not initialized.
- V3050. Possibly an incorrect HTML. The </XX> closing tag was encountered, while the </YY> tag was expected.
- V3051. An excessive type cast or check. The object is already of the same type.
- V3052. The original exception object was swallowed. Stack of original exception could be lost.
- V3053. An excessive expression. Examine the substrings "abc" and "abcd".
- V3054. Potentially unsafe double-checked locking. Use volatile variable(s) or synchronization primitives to avoid this.
- V3055. Suspicious assignment inside the condition expression of 'if/while/for' operator.
- V3056. Consider reviewing the correctness of 'X' item's usage.
- V3057. Function receives an odd argument.
- V3058. An item with the same key has already been added.
- V3059. Consider adding '[Flags]' attribute to the enum.
- V3060. A value of variable is not modified. Consider inspecting the expression. It is possible that other value should be present instead of '0'.
- V3061. Parameter 'A' is always rewritten in method body before being used.
- V3062. An object is used as an argument to its own method. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'Foo' method.
- V3063. A part of conditional expression is always true/false if it is evaluated.
- V3064. Division or mod division by zero.
- V3065. Parameter is not utilized inside method's body.
- V3066. Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to method.
- V3067. It is possible that 'else' block was forgotten or commented out, thus altering the program's operation logics.
- V3068. Calling overrideable class member from constructor is dangerous.
- V3069. It's possible that the line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logics.
- V3070. Uninitialized variables are used when initializing the 'A' variable.
- V3071. The object is returned from inside 'using' block. 'Dispose' will be invoked before exiting method.
- V3072. The 'A' class containing IDisposable members does not itself implement IDisposable.
- V3073. Not all IDisposable members are properly disposed. Call 'Dispose' when disposing 'A' class.
- V3074. The 'A' class contains 'Dispose' method. Consider making it implement 'IDisposable' interface.
- V3075. The operation is executed 2 or more times in succession.
- V3076. Comparison with 'double.NaN' is meaningless. Use 'double.IsNaN()' method instead.
- V3077. Property setter / event accessor does not utilize its 'value' parameter.
- V3078. Sorting keys priority will be reversed relative to the order of 'OrderBy' method calls. Perhaps, 'ThenBy' should be used instead.
- V3079. The 'ThreadStatic' attribute is applied to a non-static 'A' field and will be ignored.
- V3080. Possible null dereference.
- V3081. The 'X' counter is not used inside a nested loop. Consider inspecting usage of 'Y' counter.
- V3082. The 'Thread' object is created but is not started. It is possible that a call to 'Start' method is missing.
- V3083. Unsafe invocation of event, NullReferenceException is possible. Consider assigning event to a local variable before invoking it.
- V3084. Anonymous function is used to unsubscribe from event. No handlers will be unsubscribed, as a separate delegate instance is created for each anonymous function declaration.
- V3085. The name of 'X' field/property in a nested type is ambiguous. The outer type contains static field/property with identical name.
- V3086. Variables are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code.
- V3087. Type of variable enumerated in 'foreach' is not guaranteed to be castable to the type of collection's elements.
- V3088. The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present.
- V3089. Initializer of a field marked by [ThreadStatic] attribute will be called once on the first accessing thread. The field will have default value on different threads.
- V3090. Unsafe locking on an object.
- V3091. Empirical analysis. It is possible that a typo is present inside the string literal. The 'foo' word is suspicious.
- V3092. Range intersections are possible within conditional expressions.
- V3093. The operator evaluates both operands. Perhaps a short-circuit operator should be used instead.
- V3094. Possible exception when deserializing type. The Ctor(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) constructor is missing.
- V3095. The object was used before it was verified against null. Check lines: N1, N2.
- V3096. Possible exception when serializing type. [Serializable] attribute is missing.
- V3097. Possible exception: type marked by [Serializable] contains non-serializable members not marked by [NonSerialized].
- V3098. The 'continue' operator will terminate 'do { ... } while (false)' loop because the condition is always false.
- V3099. Not all the members of type are serialized inside 'GetObjectData' method.
- V3100. NullReferenceException is possible. Unhandled exceptions in destructor lead to termination of runtime.
- V3101. Potential resurrection of 'this' object instance from destructor. Without re-registering for finalization, destructor will not be called a second time on resurrected object.
- V3102. Suspicious access to element by a constant index inside a loop.
- V3103. A private Ctor(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) constructor in unsealed type will not be accessible when deserializing derived types.
- V3104. The 'GetObjectData' implementation in unsealed type is not virtual, incorrect serialization of derived type is possible.
- V3105. The 'a' variable was used after it was assigned through null-conditional operator. NullReferenceException is possible.
- V3106. Possibly index is out of bound.
- V3107. Identical expression to the left and to the right of compound assignment.
- V3108. It is not recommended to return null or throw exceptions from 'ToString()' method.
- V3109. The same sub-expression is present on both sides of the operator. The expression is incorrect or it can be simplified.
- V3110. Possible infinite recursion.
- V3111. Checking value for null will always return false when generic type is instantiated with a value type.
- V3112. An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression.
- V3113. Consider inspecting the loop expression. It is possible that different variables are used inside initializer and iterator.
- V3114. IDisposable object is not disposed before method returns.
- V3115. It is not recommended to throw exceptions from 'Equals(object obj)' method.
- V3116. Consider inspecting the 'for' operator. It's possible that the loop will be executed incorrectly or won't be executed at all.
- V3117. Constructor parameter is not used.
- V3118. A component of TimeSpan is used, which does not represent full time interval. Possibly 'Total*' value was intended instead.
- V3119. Calling a virtual (overridden) event may lead to unpredictable behavior. Consider implementing event accessors explicitly or use 'sealed' keyword.
- V3120. Potentially infinite loop. The variable from the loop exit condition does not change its value between iterations.
- V3121. An enumeration was declared with 'Flags' attribute, but does not set any initializers to override default values.
- V3122. Uppercase (lowercase) string is compared with a different lowercase (uppercase) string.
- V3123. Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part.
- V3124. Appending an element and checking for key uniqueness is performed on two different variables.
- V3125. The object was used after it was verified against null. Check lines: N1, N2.
- V3126. Type implementing IEquatable<T> interface does not override 'GetHashCode' method.
- V3127. Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'X' variable should be used instead of 'Y'.
- V3128. The field (property) is used before it is initialized in constructor.
- V3129. The value of the captured variable will be overwritten on the next iteration of the loop in each instance of anonymous function that captures it.
- V3130. Priority of the '&&' operator is higher than that of the '||' operator. Possible missing parentheses.
- V3131. The expression is checked for compatibility with the type 'A', but is casted to the 'B' type.
- V3132. A terminal null is present inside a string. The '\0xNN' characters were encountered. Probably meant: '\xNN'.
- V3133. Postfix increment/decrement is senseless because this variable is overwritten.
- V3134. Shift by N bits is greater than the size of type.
- V3135. The initial value of the index in the nested loop equals 'i'. Consider using 'i + 1' instead.
- V3136. Constant expression in switch statement.
- V3137. The variable is assigned but is not used by the end of the function.
- V3138. String literal contains potential interpolated expression.
- V3139. Two or more case-branches perform the same actions.
- V3140. Property accessors use different backing fields.
- V3141. Expression under 'throw' is a potential null, which can lead to NullReferenceException.
- V3142. Unreachable code detected. It is possible that an error is present.
- V3143. The 'value' parameter is rewritten inside a property setter, and is not used after that.
- V3144. This file is marked with copyleft license, which requires you to open the derived source code.
- V3145. Unsafe dereference of a WeakReference target. The object could have been garbage collected before the 'Target' property was accessed.
- V3146. Possible null dereference. A method can return default null value.
- V3147. Non-atomic modification of volatile variable.
- V3148. Casting potential 'null' value to a value type can lead to NullReferenceException.
- V3149. Dereferencing the result of 'as' operator can lead to NullReferenceException.
- V3150. Loop break conditions do not depend on the number of iterations.
- V3151. Potential division by zero. Variable was used as a divisor before it was compared to zero. Check lines: N1, N2.
- V3152. Potential division by zero. Variable was compared to zero before it was used as a divisor. Check lines: N1, N2.
- V3153. Dereferencing the result of null-conditional access operator can lead to NullReferenceException.
- V3154. The 'a % b' expression always evaluates to 0.
- V3155. The expression is incorrect or it can be simplified.
- V3156. The argument of the method is not expected to be null.
- V3157. Suspicious division. Absolute value of the left operand is less than the right operand.
- V3158. Suspicious division. Absolute values of both operands are equal.
- V3159. Modified value of the operand is not used after the increment/decrement operation.
- V3160. Argument of incorrect type is passed to the 'Enum.HasFlag' method.
- V3161. Comparing value type variables with 'ReferenceEquals' is incorrect because compared values will be boxed.
- V3162. Suspicious return of an always empty collection.
- V3163. An exception handling block does not contain any code.
- V3164. Exception classes should be publicly accessible.
- V3165. The expression of the 'char' type is passed as an argument of the 'A' type whereas similar overload with the string parameter exists.
- V3166. Calling the 'SingleOrDefault' method may lead to 'InvalidOperationException'.
- V3167. Parameter of 'CancellationToken' type is not used inside function's body.
- V3168. Awaiting on expression with potential null value can lead to throwing of 'NullReferenceException'.
- V3169. Suspicious return of a local reference variable which always equals null.
- V3170. Both operands of the '??' operator are identical.
- V3171. Potentially negative value is used as the size of an array.
- V3172. The 'if/if-else/for/while/foreach' statement and code block after it are not related. Inspect the program's logic.
- V3173. Possible incorrect initialization of variable. Consider verifying the initializer.
- V3174. Suspicious subexpression in a sequence of similar comparisons.
- V3175. Locking operations must be performed on the same thread. Using 'await' in a critical section may lead to a lock being released on a different thread.
- V3176. The '&=' or '|=' operator is redundant because the right operand is always true/false.
- V3177. Logical literal belongs to second operator with a higher priority. It is possible literal was intended to belong to '??' operator instead.
- V3178. Calling method or accessing property of potentially disposed object may result in exception.
- V3179. Calling element access method for potentially empty collection may result in exception.
- V3180. The 'HasFlag' method always returns 'true' because the value '0' is passed as its argument.
- V3181. The result of '&' operator is '0' because one of the operands is '0'.
- V3182. The result of '&' operator is always '0'.
- V3183. Code formatting implies that the statement should not be a part of the 'then' branch that belongs to the preceding 'if' statement.
- V3184. The argument's value is greater than the size of the collection. Passing the value into the 'Foo' method will result in an exception.
- V3185. An argument containing a file path could be mixed up with another argument. The other function parameter expects a file path instead.
- V3186. The arguments violate the bounds of collection. Passing these values into the method will result in an exception.
- V3187. Parts of an SQL query are not delimited by any separators or whitespaces. Executing this query may lead to an error.
- V3188. Unity Engine. The value of an expression is a potentially destroyed Unity object or null. Member invocation on this value may lead to an exception.
- V3189. The assignment to a member of the readonly field will have no effect when the field is of a value type. Consider restricting the type parameter to reference types.
- V3190. Concurrent modification of a variable may lead to errors.
- V3191. Iteration through collection makes no sense because it is always empty.
- V3192. Type member is used in the 'GetHashCode' method but is missing from the 'Equals' method.
- V3193. Data processing results are potentially used before asynchronous output reading is complete. Consider calling 'WaitForExit' overload with no arguments before using the data.
- V3194. Calling 'OfType' for collection will return an empty collection. It is not possible to cast collection elements to the type parameter.
- V3195. Collection initializer implicitly calls 'Add' method. Using it on member with default value of null will result in null dereference exception.
- V3196. Parameter is not utilized inside the method body, but an identifier with a similar name is used inside the same method.
- V3197. The compared value inside the 'Object.Equals' override is converted to a different type that does not contain the override.
- V3198. The variable is assigned the same value that it already holds.
- V3199. The index from end operator is used with the value that is less than or equal to zero. Collection index will be out of bounds.
- V3200. Possible overflow. The expression will be evaluated before casting. Consider casting one of the operands instead.
- V3201. Return value is not always used. Consider inspecting the 'foo' method.
- V3202. Unreachable code detected. The 'case' value is out of the range of the match expression.
- V3203. Method parameter is not used.
- V3204. The expression is always false due to implicit type conversion. Overflow check is incorrect.
- V3205. Unity Engine. Improper creation of 'MonoBehaviour' or 'ScriptableObject' object using the 'new' operator. Use the special object creation method instead.
- V3206. Unity Engine. A direct call to the coroutine-like method will not start it. Use the 'StartCoroutine' method instead.
- V3207. The 'not A or B' logical pattern may not work as expected. The 'not' pattern is matched only to the first expression from the 'or' pattern.
- V3208. Unity Engine. Using 'WeakReference' with 'UnityEngine.Object' is not supported. GC will not reclaim the object's memory because it is linked to a native object.
- V3209. Unity Engine. Using await on 'Awaitable' object more than once can lead to exception or deadlock, as such objects are returned to the pool after being awaited.
- V3210. Unity Engine. Unity does not allow removing the 'Transform' component using 'Destroy' or 'DestroyImmediate' methods. The method call will be ignored.
- V3211. Unity Engine. The operators '?.', '??' and '??=' do not correctly handle destroyed objects derived from 'UnityEngine.Object'.
- V3212. Unity Engine. Pattern matching does not correctly handle destroyed objects derived from 'UnityEngine.Object'.
- V3213. Unity Engine. The 'GetComponent' method must be instantiated with a type that inherits from 'UnityEngine.Component'.
- V3214. Unity Engine. Using Unity API in the background thread may result in an error.
- V3215. Unity Engine. Passing a method name as a string literal into the 'StartCoroutine' is unreliable.
- V3216. Unity Engine. Checking a field with a specific Unity Engine type for null may not work correctly due to implicit field initialization by the engine.
- V3217. Possible overflow as a result of an arithmetic operation.
Диагностики общего назначения (General Analysis, Java)
- V6001. There are identical sub-expressions to the left and to the right of the 'foo' operator.
- V6002. The switch statement does not cover all values of the enum.
- V6003. The use of 'if (A) {...} else if (A) {...}' pattern was detected. There is a probability of logical error presence.
- V6004. The 'then' statement is equivalent to the 'else' statement.
- V6005. The 'x' variable is assigned to itself.
- V6006. The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing.
- V6007. Expression is always true/false.
- V6008. Potential null dereference.
- V6009. Function receives an odd argument.
- V6010. The return value of function 'Foo' is required to be utilized.
- V6011. The expression contains a suspicious mix of integer and real types.
- V6012. The '?:' operator, regardless of its conditional expression, always returns one and the same value.
- V6013. Comparison of arrays, strings, collections by reference. Possibly an equality comparison was intended.
- V6014. It's odd that this method always returns one and the same value of NN.
- V6015. Consider inspecting the expression. Probably the '!='/'-='/'+=' should be used here.
- V6016. Suspicious access to element by a constant index inside a loop.
- V6017. The 'X' counter is not used inside a nested loop. Consider inspecting usage of 'Y' counter.
- V6018. Constant expression in switch statement.
- V6019. Unreachable code detected. It is possible that an error is present.
- V6020. Division or mod division by zero.
- V6021. The value is assigned to the 'x' variable but is not used.
- V6022. Parameter is not used inside method's body.
- V6023. Parameter 'A' is always rewritten in method body before being used.
- V6024. The 'continue' operator will terminate 'do { ... } while (false)' loop because the condition is always false.
- V6025. Possibly index is out of bound.
- V6026. This value is already assigned to the 'b' variable.
- V6027. Variables are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code.
- V6028. Identical expression to the left and to the right of compound assignment.
- V6029. Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to method.
- V6030. The function located to the right of the '|' and '&' operators will be called regardless of the value of the left operand. Consider using '||' and '&&' instead.
- V6031. The variable 'X' is being used for this loop and for the outer loop.
- V6032. It is odd that the body of 'Foo_1' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Foo_2' function.
- V6033. An item with the same key has already been added.
- V6034. Shift by N bits is inconsistent with the size of type.
- V6035. Double negation is present in the expression: !!x.
- V6036. The value from the uninitialized optional is used.
- V6037. An unconditional 'break/continue/return/goto' within a loop.
- V6038. Comparison with 'double.NaN' is meaningless. Use 'double.isNaN()' method instead.
- V6039. There are two 'if' statements with identical conditional expressions. The first 'if' statement contains method return. This means that the second 'if' statement is senseless.
- V6040. The code's operational logic does not correspond with its formatting.
- V6041. Suspicious assignment inside the conditional expression of 'if/while/do...while' statement.
- V6042. The expression is checked for compatibility with type 'A', but is cast to type 'B'.
- V6043. Consider inspecting the 'for' operator. Initial and final values of the iterator are the same.
- V6044. Postfix increment/decrement is senseless because this variable is overwritten.
- V6045. Suspicious subexpression in a sequence of similar comparisons.
- V6046. Incorrect format. Consider checking the N format items of the 'Foo' function.
- V6047. It is possible that this 'else' branch must apply to the previous 'if' statement.
- V6048. This expression can be simplified. One of the operands in the operation equals NN. Probably it is a mistake.
- V6049. Classes that define 'equals' method must also define 'hashCode' method.
- V6050. Class initialization cycle is present.
- V6051. Use of jump statements in 'finally' block can lead to the loss of unhandled exceptions.
- V6052. Calling an overridden method in parent-class constructor may lead to use of uninitialized data.
- V6053. Collection is modified while iteration is in progress. ConcurrentModificationException may occur.
- V6054. Classes should not be compared by their name.
- V6055. Expression inside assert statement can change object's state.
- V6056. Implementation of 'compareTo' overloads the method from a base class. Possibly, an override was intended.
- V6057. Consider inspecting this expression. The expression is excessive or contains a misprint.
- V6058. Comparing objects of incompatible types.
- V6059. Odd use of special character in regular expression. Possibly, it was intended to be escaped.
- V6060. The reference was used before it was verified against null.
- V6061. The used constant value is represented by an octal form.
- V6062. Possible infinite recursion.
- V6063. Odd semicolon ';' after 'if/for/while' operator.
- V6064. Suspicious invocation of Thread.run().
- V6065. A non-serializable class should not be serialized.
- V6066. Passing objects of incompatible types to the method of collection.
- V6067. Two or more case-branches perform the same actions.
- V6068. Suspicious use of BigDecimal class.
- V6069. Unsigned right shift assignment of negative 'byte' / 'short' value.
- V6070. Unsafe synchronization on an object.
- V6071. This file is marked with copyleft license, which requires you to open the derived source code.
- V6072. Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'X' variable should be used instead of 'Y'.
- V6073. It is not recommended to return null or throw exceptions from 'toString' / 'clone' methods.
- V6074. Non-atomic modification of volatile variable.
- V6075. The signature of method 'X' does not conform to serialization requirements.
- V6076. Recurrent serialization will use cached object state from first serialization.
- V6077. A suspicious label is present inside a switch(). It is possible that these are misprints and 'default:' label should be used instead.
- V6078. Potential Java SE API compatibility issue.
- V6079. Value of variable is checked after use. Potential logical error is present. Check lines: N1, N2.
- V6080. Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that an assigned variable should be checked in the next condition.
- V6081. Annotation that does not have 'RUNTIME' retention policy will not be accessible through Reflection API.
- V6082. Unsafe double-checked locking.
- V6083. Serialization order of fields should be preserved during deserialization.
- V6084. Suspicious return of an always empty collection.
- V6085. An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression.
- V6086. Suspicious code formatting. 'else' keyword is probably missing.
- V6087. InvalidClassException may occur during deserialization.
- V6088. Result of this expression will be implicitly cast to 'Type'. Check if program logic handles it correctly.
- V6089. It's possible that the line was commented out improperly, thus altering the program's operation logics.
- V6090. Field 'A' is being used before it was initialized.
- V6091. Suspicious getter/setter implementation. The 'A' field should probably be returned/assigned instead.
- V6092. A resource is returned from try-with-resources statement. It will be closed before the method exits.
- V6093. Automatic unboxing of a variable may cause NullPointerException.
- V6094. The expression was implicitly cast from integer type to real type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part.
- V6095. Thread.sleep() inside synchronized block/method may cause decreased performance.
- V6096. An odd precise comparison. Consider using a comparison with defined precision: Math.abs(A - B) < Epsilon or Math.abs(A - B) > Epsilon.
- V6097. Lowercase 'L' at the end of a long literal can be mistaken for '1'.
- V6098. The method does not override another method from the base class.
- V6099. The initial value of the index in the nested loop equals 'i'. Consider using 'i + 1' instead.
- V6100. An object is used as an argument to its own method. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'Foo' method.
- V6101. compareTo()-like methods can return not only the values -1, 0 and 1, but any values.
- V6102. Inconsistent synchronization of a field. Consider synchronizing the field on all usages.
- V6103. Ignored InterruptedException could lead to delayed thread shutdown.
- V6104. A pattern was detected: A || (A && ...). The expression is excessive or contains a logical error.
- V6105. Consider inspecting the loop expression. It is possible that different variables are used inside initializer and iterator.
- V6106. Casting expression to 'X' type before implicitly casting it to other type may be excessive or incorrect.
- V6107. The constant NN is being utilized. The resulting value could be inaccurate. Consider using the KK constant.
- V6108. Do not use real-type variables in 'for' loop counters.
- V6109. Potentially predictable seed is used in pseudo-random number generator.
- V6110. Using an environment variable could be unsafe or unreliable. Consider using trusted system property instead
- V6111. Potentially negative value is used as the size of an array.
- V6112. Calling the 'getClass' method repeatedly or on the value of the '.class' literal will always return the instance of the 'Class<Class>' type.
- V6113. Suspicious division. Absolute value of the left operand is less than the value of the right operand.
- V6114. The 'A' class containing Closeable members does not release the resources that the field is holding.
- V6115. Not all Closeable members are released inside the 'close' method.
- V6116. The class does not implement the Closeable interface, but it contains the 'close' method that releases resources.
- V6117. Possible overflow. The expression will be evaluated before casting. Consider casting one of the operands instead.
- V6118. The original exception object was swallowed. Cause of original exception could be lost.
- V6119. The result of '&' operator is always '0'.
- V6120. The result of the '&' operator is '0' because one of the operands is '0'.
- V6121. Return value is not always used. Consider inspecting the 'foo' method.
- V6122. The 'Y' (week year) pattern is used for date formatting. Check whether the 'y' (year) pattern was intended instead.
- V6123. Modified value of the operand is not used after the increment/decrement operation.
- V6124. Converting an integer literal to the type with a smaller value range will result in overflow.
- V6125. Calling the 'wait', 'notify', and 'notifyAll' methods outside of synchronized context will lead to 'IllegalMonitorStateException'.
Микрооптимизации (C++)
- V801. Decreased performance. It is better to redefine the N function argument as a reference. Consider replacing 'const T' with 'const .. &T' / 'const .. *T'.
- V802. On 32-bit/64-bit platform, structure size can be reduced from N to K bytes by rearranging the fields according to their sizes in decreasing order.
- V803. Decreased performance. It is more effective to use the prefix form of ++it. Replace iterator++ with ++iterator.
- V804. Decreased performance. The 'Foo' function is called twice in the specified expression to calculate length of the same string.
- V805. Decreased performance. It is inefficient to identify an empty string by using 'strlen(str) > 0' construct. A more efficient way is to check: str[0] != '\0'.
- V806. Decreased performance. The expression of strlen(MyStr.c_str()) kind can be rewritten as MyStr.length().
- V807. Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer/reference to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.
- V808. An array/object was declared but was not utilized.
- V809. Verifying that a pointer value is not NULL is not required. The 'if (ptr != NULL)' check can be removed.
- V810. Decreased performance. The 'A' function was called several times with identical arguments. The result should possibly be saved to a temporary variable, which then could be used while calling the 'B' function.
- V811. Decreased performance. Excessive type casting: string -> char * -> string.
- V812. Decreased performance. Ineffective use of the 'count' function. It can possibly be replaced by the call to the 'find' function.
- V813. Decreased performance. The argument should probably be rendered as a constant pointer/reference.
- V814. Decreased performance. The 'strlen' function was called multiple times inside the body of a loop.
- V815. Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'AA' with 'BB'.
- V816. It is more efficient to catch exception by reference rather than by value.
- V817. It is more efficient to search for 'X' character rather than a string.
- V818. It is more efficient to use an initialization list rather than an assignment operator.
- V819. Decreased performance. Memory is allocated and released multiple times inside the loop body.
- V820. The variable is not used after copying. Copying can be replaced with move/swap for optimization.
- V821. The variable can be constructed in a lower level scope.
- V822. Decreased performance. A new object is created, while a reference to an object is expected.
- V823. Decreased performance. Object may be created in-place in a container. Consider replacing methods: 'insert' -> 'emplace', 'push_*' -> 'emplace_*'.
- V824. It is recommended to use the 'make_unique/make_shared' function to create smart pointers.
- V825. Expression is equivalent to moving one unique pointer to another. Consider using 'std::move' instead.
- V826. Consider replacing standard container with a different one.
- V827. Maximum size of a vector is known at compile time. Consider pre-allocating it by calling reserve(N).
- V828. Decreased performance. Moving an object in a return statement prevents copy elision.
- V829. Lifetime of the heap-allocated variable is limited to the current function's scope. Consider allocating it on the stack instead.
- V830. Decreased performance. Consider replacing the use of 'std::optional::value()' with either the '*' or '->' operator.
- V831. Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.
- V832. It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty body.
- V833. Using 'std::move' function's with const object disables move semantics.
- V834. Incorrect type of a loop variable. This leads to the variable binding to a temporary object instead of a range element.
- V835. Passing cheap-to-copy argument by reference may lead to decreased performance.
- V836. Expression's value is copied at the variable declaration. The variable is never modified. Consider declaring it as a reference.
- V837. The 'emplace' / 'insert' function does not guarantee that arguments will not be copied or moved if there is no insertion. Consider using the 'try_emplace' function.
- V838. Temporary object is constructed during lookup in ordered associative container. Consider using a container with heterogeneous lookup to avoid construction of temporary objects.
- V839. Function returns a constant value. This may interfere with move semantics.
Микрооптимизации (C#)
- V4001. Unity Engine. Boxing inside a frequently called method may decrease performance.
- V4002. Unity Engine. Avoid storing consecutive concatenations inside a single string in performance-sensitive context. Consider using StringBuilder to improve performance.
- V4003. Unity Engine. Avoid capturing variable in performance-sensitive context. This can lead to decreased performance.
- V4004. Unity Engine. New array object is returned from method or property. Using such member in performance-sensitive context can lead to decreased performance.
- V4005. Unity Engine. The expensive operation is performed inside method or property. Using such member in performance-sensitive context can lead to decreased performance.
- V4006. Unity Engine. Multiple operations between complex and numeric values. Prioritizing operations between numeric values can optimize execution time.
- V4007. Unity Engine. Avoid creating and destroying UnityEngine objects in performance-sensitive context. Consider activating and deactivating them instead.
- V4008. Unity Engine. Avoid using memory allocation Physics APIs in performance-sensitive context.
Диагностика 64-битных ошибок (Viva64, C++)
- V101. Implicit assignment type conversion to memsize type.
- V102. Usage of non memsize type for pointer arithmetic.
- V103. Implicit type conversion from memsize type to 32-bit type.
- V104. Implicit type conversion to memsize type in an arithmetic expression.
- V105. N operand of '?:' operation: implicit type conversion to memsize type.
- V106. Implicit type conversion N argument of function 'foo' to memsize type.
- V107. Implicit type conversion N argument of function 'foo' to 32-bit type.
- V108. Incorrect index type: 'foo[not a memsize-type]'. Use memsize type instead.
- V109. Implicit type conversion of return value to memsize type.
- V110. Implicit type conversion of return value from memsize type to 32-bit type.
- V111. Call of function 'foo' with variable number of arguments. N argument has memsize type.
- V112. Dangerous magic number N used.
- V113. Implicit type conversion from memsize to double type or vice versa.
- V114. Dangerous explicit type pointer conversion.
- V115. Memsize type is used for throw.
- V116. Memsize type is used for catch.
- V117. Memsize type is used in the union.
- V118. malloc() function accepts a dangerous expression in the capacity of an argument.
- V119. More than one sizeof() operator is used in one expression.
- V120. Member operator[] of object 'foo' is declared with 32-bit type argument, but is called with memsize type argument.
- V121. Implicit conversion of the type of 'new' operator's argument to size_t type.
- V122. Memsize type is used in the struct/class.
- V123. Allocation of memory by the pattern "(X*)malloc(sizeof(Y))" where the sizes of X and Y types are not equal.
- V124. Function 'Foo' writes/reads 'N' bytes. The alignment rules and type sizes have been changed. Consider reviewing this value.
- V125. It is not advised to declare type 'T' as 32-bit type.
- V126. Be advised that the size of the type 'long' varies between LLP64/LP64 data models.
- V127. An overflow of the 32-bit variable is possible inside a long cycle which utilizes a memsize-type loop counter.
- V128. A variable of the memsize type is read from a stream. Consider verifying the compatibility of 32 and 64 bit versions of the application in the context of a stored data.
- V201. Explicit conversion from 32-bit integer type to memsize type.
- V202. Explicit conversion from memsize type to 32-bit integer type.
- V203. Explicit type conversion from memsize to double type or vice versa.
- V204. Explicit conversion from 32-bit integer type to pointer type.
- V205. Explicit conversion of pointer type to 32-bit integer type.
- V206. Explicit conversion from 'void *' to 'int *'.
- V207. A 32-bit variable is utilized as a reference to a pointer. A write outside the bounds of this variable may occur.
- V220. Suspicious sequence of types castings: memsize -> 32-bit integer -> memsize.
- V221. Suspicious sequence of types castings: pointer -> memsize -> 32-bit integer.
- V301. Unexpected function overloading behavior. See N argument of function 'foo' in derived class 'derived' and base class 'base'.
- V302. Member operator[] of 'foo' class has a 32-bit type argument. Use memsize-type here.
- V303. The function is deprecated in the Win64 system. It is safer to use the 'foo' function.
Реализовано по запросам пользователей (C++)
- V2001. Consider using the extended version of the 'foo' function here.
- V2002. Consider using the 'Ptr' version of the 'foo' function here.
- V2003. Explicit conversion from 'float/double' type to signed integer type.
- V2004. Explicit conversion from 'float/double' type to unsigned integer type.
- V2005. C-style explicit type casting is utilized. Consider using: static_cast/const_cast/reinterpret_cast.
- V2006. Implicit type conversion from enum type to integer type.
- V2007. This expression can be simplified. One of the operands in the operation equals NN. Probably it is a mistake.
- V2008. Cyclomatic complexity: NN. Consider refactoring the 'Foo' function.
- V2009. Consider passing the 'Foo' argument as a pointer/reference to const.
- V2010. Handling of two different exception types is identical.
- V2011. Consider inspecting signed and unsigned function arguments. See NN argument of function 'Foo' in derived class and base class.
- V2012. Possibility of decreased performance. It is advised to pass arguments to std::unary_function/std::binary_function template as references.
- V2013. Consider inspecting the correctness of handling the N argument in the 'Foo' function.
- V2014. Don't use terminating functions in library code.
- V2015. An identifier declared in an inner scope should not hide an identifier in an outer scope.
- V2016. Consider inspecting the function call. The function was annotated as dangerous.
- V2017. String literal is identical to variable name. It is possible that the variable should be used instead of the string literal.
- V2018. Cast should not remove 'const' qualifier from the type that is pointed to by a pointer or a reference.
- V2019. Cast should not remove 'volatile' qualifier from the type that is pointed to by a pointer or a reference.
- V2020. The loop body contains the 'break;' / 'continue;' statement. This may complicate the control flow.
- V2021. Using assertions may cause the abnormal program termination in undesirable contexts.
- V2022. Implicit type conversion from integer type to enum type.
Cтандарт MISRA
- V2501. MISRA. Octal constants should not be used.
- V2502. MISRA. The 'goto' statement should not be used.
- V2503. MISRA. Implicitly specified enumeration constants should be unique – consider specifying non-unique constants explicitly.
- V2504. MISRA. Size of an array is not specified.
- V2505. MISRA. The 'goto' statement shouldn't jump to a label declared earlier.
- V2506. MISRA. A function should have a single point of exit at the end.
- V2507. MISRA. The body of a loop\conditional statement should be enclosed in braces.
- V2508. MISRA. The function with the 'atof/atoi/atol/atoll' name should not be used.
- V2509. MISRA. The function with the 'abort/exit/getenv/system' name should not be used.
- V2510. MISRA. The function with the 'qsort/bsearch' name should not be used.
- V2511. MISRA. Memory allocation and deallocation functions should not be used.
- V2512. MISRA. The macro with the 'setjmp' name and the function with the 'longjmp' name should not be used.
- V2513. MISRA. Unbounded functions performing string operations should not be used.
- V2514. MISRA. Unions should not be used.
- V2515. MISRA. Declaration should contain no more than two levels of pointer nesting.
- V2516. MISRA. The 'if' ... 'else if' construct should be terminated with an 'else' statement.
- V2517. MISRA. Literal suffixes should not contain lowercase characters.
- V2518. MISRA. The 'default' label should be either the first or the last label of a 'switch' statement.
- V2519. MISRA. Every 'switch' statement should have a 'default' label, which, in addition to the terminating 'break' statement, should contain either a statement or a comment.
- V2520. MISRA. Every switch-clause should be terminated by an unconditional 'break' or 'throw' statement.
- V2521. MISRA. Only the first member of enumerator list should be explicitly initialized, unless all members are explicitly initialized.
- V2522. MISRA. The 'switch' statement should have 'default' as the last label.
- V2523. MISRA. All integer constants of unsigned type should have 'u' or 'U' suffix.
- V2524. MISRA. A switch-label should only appear at the top level of the compound statement forming the body of a 'switch' statement.
- V2525. MISRA. Every 'switch' statement should contain non-empty switch-clauses.
- V2526. MISRA. The functions from time.h/ctime should not be used.
- V2527. MISRA. A switch-expression should not have Boolean type. Consider using of 'if-else' construct.
- V2528. MISRA. The comma operator should not be used.
- V2529. MISRA. Any label should be declared in the same block as 'goto' statement or in any block enclosing it.
- V2530. MISRA. Any loop should be terminated with no more than one 'break' or 'goto' statement.
- V2531. MISRA. Expression of essential type 'foo' should not be explicitly cast to essential type 'bar'.
- V2532. MISRA. String literal should not be assigned to object unless it has type of pointer to const-qualified char.
- V2533. MISRA. C-style and functional notation casts should not be performed.
- V2534. MISRA. The loop counter should not have floating-point type.
- V2535. MISRA. Unreachable code should not be present in the project.
- V2536. MISRA. Function should not contain labels not used by any 'goto' statements.
- V2537. MISRA. Functions should not have unused parameters.
- V2538. MISRA. The value of uninitialized variable should not be used.
- V2539. MISRA. Class destructor should not exit with an exception.
- V2540. MISRA. Arrays should not be partially initialized.
- V2541. MISRA. Function should not be declared implicitly.
- V2542. MISRA. Function with a non-void return type should return a value from all exit paths.
- V2543. MISRA. Value of the essential character type should be used appropriately in the addition/subtraction operations.
- V2544. MISRA. The values used in expressions should have appropriate essential types.
- V2545. MISRA. Conversion between pointers of different object types should not be performed.
- V2546. MISRA. Expression resulting from the macro expansion should be surrounded by parentheses.
- V2547. MISRA. The return value of non-void function should be used.
- V2548. MISRA. The address of an object with local scope should not be passed out of its scope.
- V2549. MISRA. Pointer to FILE should not be dereferenced.
- V2550. MISRA. Floating-point values should not be tested for equality or inequality.
- V2551. MISRA. Variable should be declared in a scope that minimizes its visibility.
- V2552. MISRA. Expressions with enum underlying type should have values corresponding to the enumerators of the enumeration.
- V2553. MISRA. Unary minus operator should not be applied to an expression of the unsigned type.
- V2554. MISRA. Expression containing increment (++) or decrement (--) should not have other side effects.
- V2555. MISRA. Incorrect shifting expression.
- V2556. MISRA. Use of a pointer to FILE when the associated stream has already been closed.
- V2557. MISRA. Operand of sizeof() operator should not have other side effects.
- V2558. MISRA. A pointer/reference parameter in a function should be declared as pointer/reference to const if the corresponding object was not modified.
- V2559. MISRA. Subtraction, >, >=, <, <= should be applied only to pointers that address elements of the same array.
- V2560. MISRA. There should be no user-defined variadic functions.
- V2561. MISRA. The result of an assignment expression should not be used.
- V2562. MISRA. Expressions with pointer type should not be used in the '+', '-', '+=' and '-=' operations.
- V2563. MISRA. Array indexing should be the only form of pointer arithmetic and it should be applied only to objects defined as an array type.
- V2564. MISRA. There should be no implicit integral-floating conversion.
- V2565. MISRA. A function should not call itself either directly or indirectly.
- V2566. MISRA. Constant expression evaluation should not result in an unsigned integer wrap-around.
- V2567. MISRA. Cast should not remove 'const' / 'volatile' qualification from the type that is pointed to by a pointer or a reference.
- V2568. MISRA. Both operands of an operator should be of the same type category.
- V2569. MISRA. The 'operator &&', 'operator ||', 'operator ,' and the unary 'operator &' should not be overloaded.
- V2570. MISRA. Operands of the logical '&&' or the '||' operators, the '!' operator should have 'bool' type.
- V2571. MISRA. Conversions between pointers to objects and integer types should not be performed.
- V2572. MISRA. Value of the expression should not be converted to the different essential type or the narrower essential type.
- V2573. MISRA. Identifiers that start with '__' or '_[A-Z]' are reserved.
- V2574. MISRA. Functions should not be declared at block scope.
- V2575. MISRA. The global namespace should only contain 'main', namespace declarations and 'extern "C"' declarations.
- V2576. MISRA. The identifier 'main' should not be used for a function other than the global function 'main'.
- V2577. MISRA. The function argument corresponding to a parameter declared to have an array type should have an appropriate number of elements.
- V2578. MISRA. An identifier with array type passed as a function argument should not decay to a pointer.
- V2579. MISRA. Macro should not be defined with the same name as a keyword.
- V2580. MISRA. The 'restrict' specifier should not be used.
- V2581. MISRA. Single-line comments should not end with a continuation token.
- V2582. MISRA. Block of memory should only be freed if it was allocated by a Standard Library function.
- V2583. MISRA. Line whose first token is '#' should be a valid preprocessing directive.
- V2584. MISRA. Expression used in condition should have essential Boolean type.
- V2585. MISRA. Casts between a void pointer and an arithmetic type should not be performed.
- V2586. MISRA. Flexible array members should not be declared.
- V2587. MISRA. The '//' and '/*' character sequences should not appear within comments.
- V2588. MISRA. All memory or resources allocated dynamically should be explicitly released.
- V2589. MISRA. Casts between a pointer and a non-integer arithmetic type should not be performed.
- V2590. MISRA. Conversions should not be performed between pointer to function and any other type.
- V2591. MISRA. Bit fields should only be declared with explicitly signed or unsigned integer type
- V2592. MISRA. An identifier declared in an inner scope should not hide an identifier in an outer scope.
- V2593. MISRA. Single-bit bit fields should not be declared as signed type.
- V2594. MISRA. Controlling expressions should not be invariant.
- V2595. MISRA. Array size should be specified explicitly when array declaration uses designated initialization.
- V2596. MISRA. The value of a composite expression should not be assigned to an object with wider essential type.
- V2597. MISRA. Cast should not convert pointer to function to any other pointer type.
- V2598. MISRA. Variable length array types are not allowed.
- V2599. MISRA. The standard signal handling functions should not be used.
- V2600. MISRA. The standard input/output functions should not be used.
- V2601. MISRA. Functions should be declared in prototype form with named parameters.
- V2602. MISRA. Octal and hexadecimal escape sequences should be terminated.
- V2603. MISRA. The 'static' keyword shall not be used between [] in the declaration of an array parameter.
- V2604. MISRA. Features from <stdarg.h> should not be used.
- V2605. MISRA. Features from <tgmath.h> should not be used.
- V2606. MISRA. There should be no attempt to write to a stream that has been opened for reading.
- V2607. MISRA. Inline functions should be declared with the static storage class.
- V2608. MISRA. The 'static' storage class specifier should be used in all declarations of object and functions that have internal linkage.
- V2609. MISRA. There should be no occurrence of undefined or critical unspecified behaviour.
- V2610. MISRA. The ', " or \ characters and the /* or // character sequences should not occur in a header file name.
- V2611. MISRA. Casts between a pointer to an incomplete type and any other type shouldn't be performed.
- V2612. MISRA. Array element should not be initialized more than once.
- V2613. MISRA. Operand that is a composite expression has more narrow essential type than the other operand.
- V2614. MISRA. External identifiers should be distinct.
- V2615. MISRA. A compatible declaration should be visible when an object or function with external linkage is defined.
- V2616. MISRA. All conditional inclusion preprocessor directives should reside in the same file as the conditional inclusion directive to which they are related.
- V2617. MISRA. Object should not be assigned or copied to an overlapping object.
- V2618. MISRA. Identifiers declared in the same scope and name space should be distinct.
- V2619. MISRA. Typedef names should be unique across all name spaces.
- V2620. MISRA. Value of a composite expression should not be cast to a different essential type category or a wider essential type.
- V2621. MISRA. Tag names should be unique across all name spaces.
- V2622. MISRA. External object or function should be declared once in one and only one file.
- V2623. MISRA. Macro identifiers should be distinct.
- V2624. MISRA. The initializer for an aggregate or union should be enclosed in braces.
- V2625. MISRA. Identifiers that define objects or functions with external linkage shall be unique.
- V2626. MISRA. The 'sizeof' operator should not have an operand which is a function parameter declared as 'array of type'.
- V2627. MISRA. Function type should not be type qualified.
- V2628. MISRA. The pointer arguments to the Standard Library functions memcpy, memmove and memcmp should be pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types.
- V2629. MISRA. Pointer arguments to the 'memcmp' function should point to an appropriate type.
- V2630. MISRA. Bit field should not be declared as a member of a union.
- V2631. MISRA. Pointers to variably-modified array types should not be used.
- V2632. MISRA. Object with temporary lifetime should not undergo array-to-pointer conversion.
- V2633. MISRA. Identifiers should be distinct from macro names.
Стандарт AUTOSAR
- V3501. AUTOSAR. Octal constants should not be used.
- V3502. AUTOSAR. Size of an array is not specified.
- V3503. AUTOSAR. The 'goto' statement shouldn't jump to a label declared earlier.
- V3504. AUTOSAR. The body of a loop\conditional statement should be enclosed in braces.
- V3505. AUTOSAR. The function with the 'atof/atoi/atol/atoll' name should not be used.
- V3506. AUTOSAR. The function with the 'abort/exit/getenv/system' name should not be used.
- V3507. AUTOSAR. The macro with the 'setjmp' name and the function with the 'longjmp' name should not be used.
- V3508. AUTOSAR. Unbounded functions performing string operations should not be used.
- V3509. AUTOSAR. Unions should not be used.
- V3510. AUTOSAR. Declaration should contain no more than two levels of pointer nesting.
- V3511. AUTOSAR. The 'if' ... 'else if' construct should be terminated with an 'else' statement.
- V3512. AUTOSAR. Literal suffixes should not contain lowercase characters.
- V3513. AUTOSAR. Every switch-clause should be terminated by an unconditional 'break' or 'throw' statement.
- V3514. AUTOSAR. The 'switch' statement should have 'default' as the last label.
- V3515. AUTOSAR. All integer constants of unsigned type should have 'U' suffix.
- V3516. AUTOSAR. A switch-label should only appear at the top level of the compound statement forming the body of a 'switch' statement.
- V3517. AUTOSAR. The functions from time.h/ctime should not be used.
- V3518. AUTOSAR. A switch-expression should not have Boolean type. Consider using of 'if-else' construct.
- V3519. AUTOSAR. The comma operator should not be used.
- V3520. AUTOSAR. Any label should be declared in the same block as 'goto' statement or in any block enclosing it.
- V3521. AUTOSAR. The loop counter should not have floating-point type.
- V3522. AUTOSAR. Unreachable code should not be present in the project.
- V3523. AUTOSAR. Functions should not have unused parameters.
- V3524. AUTOSAR. The value of uninitialized variable should not be used.
- V3525. AUTOSAR. Function with a non-void return type should return a value from all exit paths.
- V3526. AUTOSAR. Expression resulting from the macro expansion should be surrounded by parentheses.
- V3527. AUTOSAR. The return value of non-void function should be used.
- V3528. AUTOSAR. The address of an object with local scope should not be passed out of its scope.
- V3529. AUTOSAR. Floating-point values should not be tested for equality or inequality.
- V3530. AUTOSAR. Variable should be declared in a scope that minimizes its visibility.
- V3531. AUTOSAR. Expressions with enum underlying type should have values corresponding to the enumerators of the enumeration.
- V3532. AUTOSAR. Unary minus operator should not be applied to an expression of the unsigned type.
- V3533. AUTOSAR. Expression containing increment (++) or decrement (--) should not have other side effects.
- V3534. AUTOSAR. Incorrect shifting expression.
- V3535. AUTOSAR. Operand of sizeof() operator should not have other side effects.
- V3536. AUTOSAR. A pointer/reference parameter in a function should be declared as pointer/reference to const if the corresponding object was not modified.
- V3537. AUTOSAR. Subtraction, >, >=, <, <= should be applied only to pointers that address elements of the same array.
- V3538. AUTOSAR. The result of an assignment expression should not be used.
- V3539. AUTOSAR. Array indexing should be the only form of pointer arithmetic and it should be applied only to objects defined as an array type.
- V3540. AUTOSAR. There should be no implicit integral-floating conversion.
- V3541. AUTOSAR. A function should not call itself either directly or indirectly.
- V3542. AUTOSAR. Constant expression evaluation should not result in an unsigned integer wrap-around.
- V3543. AUTOSAR. Cast should not remove 'const' / 'volatile' qualification from the type that is pointed to by a pointer or a reference.
- V3544. AUTOSAR. The 'operator &&', 'operator ||', 'operator ,' and the unary 'operator &' should not be overloaded.
- V3545. AUTOSAR. Operands of the logical '&&' or the '||' operators, the '!' operator should have 'bool' type.
- V3546. AUTOSAR. Conversions between pointers to objects and integer types should not be performed.
- V3547. AUTOSAR. Identifiers that start with '__' or '_[A-Z]' are reserved.
- V3548. AUTOSAR. Functions should not be declared at block scope.
- V3549. AUTOSAR. The global namespace should only contain 'main', namespace declarations and 'extern "C"' declarations.
- V3550. AUTOSAR. The identifier 'main' should not be used for a function other than the global function 'main'.
- V3551. AUTOSAR. An identifier with array type passed as a function argument should not decay to a pointer.
- V3552. AUTOSAR. Cast should not convert a pointer to a function to any other pointer type, including a pointer to function type.
- V3553. AUTOSAR. The standard signal handling functions should not be used.
- V3554. AUTOSAR. The standard input/output functions should not be used.
- V3555. AUTOSAR. The 'static' storage class specifier should be used in all declarations of functions that have internal linkage.
Стандарт OWASP (C++)
- V5001. OWASP. It is highly probable that the semicolon ';' is missing after 'return' keyword.
- V5002. OWASP. An empty exception handler. Silent suppression of exceptions can hide the presence of bugs in source code during testing.
- V5003. OWASP. The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing.
- V5004. OWASP. Consider inspecting the expression. Bit shifting of the 32-bit value with a subsequent expansion to the 64-bit type.
- V5005. OWASP. A value is being subtracted from the unsigned variable. This can result in an overflow. In such a case, the comparison operation can potentially behave unexpectedly.
- V5006. OWASP. More than N bits are required to store the value, but the expression evaluates to the T type which can only hold K bits.
- V5007. OWASP. Consider inspecting the loop expression. It is possible that the 'i' variable should be incremented instead of the 'n' variable.
- V5008. OWASP. Classes should always be derived from std::exception (and alike) as 'public'.
- V5009. OWASP. Unchecked tainted data is used in expression.
- V5010. OWASP. The variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.
- V5011. OWASP. Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result.
- V5012. OWASP. Potentially unsafe double-checked locking.
- V5013. OWASP. Storing credentials inside source code can lead to security issues.
- V5014. OWASP. Cryptographic function is deprecated. Its use can lead to security issues. Consider switching to an equivalent newer function.
Стандарт OWASP (C#)
- V5601. OWASP. Storing credentials inside source code can lead to security issues.
- V5602. OWASP. The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing.
- V5603. OWASP. The original exception object was swallowed. Stack of original exception could be lost.
- V5604. OWASP. Potentially unsafe double-checked locking. Use volatile variable(s) or synchronization primitives to avoid this.
- V5605. OWASP. Unsafe invocation of event, NullReferenceException is possible. Consider assigning event to a local variable before invoking it.
- V5606. OWASP. An exception handling block does not contain any code.
- V5607. OWASP. Exception classes should be publicly accessible.
- V5608. OWASP. Possible SQL injection. Potentially tainted data is used to create SQL command.
- V5609. OWASP. Possible path traversal vulnerability. Potentially tainted data is used as a path.
- V5610. OWASP. Possible XSS vulnerability. Potentially tainted data might be used to execute a malicious script.
- V5611. OWASP. Potential insecure deserialization vulnerability. Potentially tainted data is used to create an object using deserialization.
- V5612. OWASP. Do not use old versions of SSL/TLS protocols as it may cause security issues.
- V5613. OWASP. Use of outdated cryptographic algorithm is not recommended.
- V5614. OWASP. Potential XXE vulnerability. Insecure XML parser is used to process potentially tainted data.
- V5615. OWASP. Potential XEE vulnerability. Insecure XML parser is used to process potentially tainted data.
- V5616. OWASP. Possible command injection. Potentially tainted data is used to create OS command.
- V5617. OWASP. Assigning potentially negative or large value as timeout of HTTP session can lead to excessive session expiration time.
- V5618. OWASP. Possible server-side request forgery. Potentially tainted data is used in the URL.
- V5619. OWASP. Possible log injection. Potentially tainted data is written into logs.
- V5620. OWASP. Possible LDAP injection. Potentially tainted data is used in a search filter.
- V5621. OWASP. Error message contains potentially sensitive data that may be exposed.
- V5622. OWASP. Possible XPath injection. Potentially tainted data is used in the XPath expression.
- V5623. OWASP. Possible open redirect vulnerability. Potentially tainted data is used in the URL.
- V5624. OWASP. Use of potentially tainted data in configuration may lead to security issues.
- V5625. OWASP. Referenced package contains vulnerability.
- V5626. OWASP. Possible ReDoS vulnerability. Potentially tainted data is processed by regular expression that contains an unsafe pattern.
- V5627. OWASP. Possible NoSQL injection. Potentially tainted data is used to create query.
- V5628. OWASP. Possible Zip Slip vulnerability. Potentially tainted data is used in the path to extract the file.
Стандарт OWASP (Java)
- V5301. OWASP. An exception handling block does not contain any code.
- V5302. OWASP. Exception classes should be publicly accessible.
- V5303. OWASP. The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing.
- V5304. OWASP. Unsafe double-checked locking.
- V5305. OWASP. Storing credentials inside source code can lead to security issues.
- V5306. OWASP. The original exception object was swallowed. Cause of original exception could be lost.
- V5307. OWASP. Potentially predictable seed is used in pseudo-random number generator.
- V5308. OWASP. Possible overflow. The expression will be evaluated before casting. Consider casting one of the operands instead.
- V5309. OWASP. Possible SQL injection. Potentially tainted data is used to create SQL command.
- V5310. OWASP. Possible command injection. Potentially tainted data is used to create OS command.
- V5311. OWASP. Possible argument injection. Potentially tainted data is used to create OS command.
- V5312. OWASP. Possible XPath injection. Potentially tainted data is used in the XPath expression.
- V5313. OWASP. Do not use old versions of SSL/TLS protocols as it may cause security issues.
- V5314. OWASP. Use of an outdated hash algorithm is not recommended.
- V5315. OWASP. Use of an outdated cryptographic algorithm is not recommended.
- V5316. Do not use the 'HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId' method because it uses a session ID provided by a client.
- V5317. OWASP. Implementing a cryptographic algorithm is not advised because an attacker might break it.
- V5318. OWASP. Setting POSIX file permissions to 'all' or 'others' groups can lead to unintended access to files or directories.
- V5319. OWASP. Possible log injection. Potentially tainted data is written into logs.
Проблемы при работе анализатора кода
- V001. A code fragment from 'file' cannot be analyzed.
- V002. Some diagnostic messages may contain incorrect line number.
- V003. Unrecognized error found...
- V004. Diagnostics from the 64-bit rule set are not entirely accurate without the appropriate 64-bit compiler. Consider utilizing 64-bit compiler if possible.
- V005. Cannot determine active configuration for project. Please check projects and solution configurations.
- V006. File cannot be processed. Analysis aborted by timeout.
- V007. Deprecated CLR switch was detected. Incorrect diagnostics are possible.
- V008. Unable to start the analysis on this file.
- V010. Analysis of 'Makefile/Utility' type projects is not supported in this tool. Use direct analyzer integration or compiler monitoring instead.
- V011. Presence of #line directives may cause some diagnostic messages to have incorrect file name and line number.
- V012. Some warnings could have been disabled.
- V013. Intermodular analysis may be incomplete, as it is not run on all source files.
- V014. The version of your suppress file is outdated. Appending new suppressed messages to it is not possible. Consider re-generating your suppress file to continue updating it.
- V015. All analyzer messages were filtered out or marked as false positive. Use filter buttons or 'Don't Check Files' settings to enable message display.
- V016. User annotation was not applied to a virtual function. To force the annotation, use the 'enable_on_virtual' flag.
- V017. The analyzer terminated abnormally due to lack of memory.
- V018. False Alarm marks without hash codes were ignored because the 'V_HASH_ONLY' option is enabled.
- V019. Error occurred while working with the user annotation mechanism.
- V020. Error occurred while working with rules configuration files.
- V051. Some of the references in project are missing or incorrect. The analysis results could be incomplete. Consider making the project fully compilable and building it before analysis.
- V052. A critical error had occurred.
- V061. An error has occurred.
- V062. Failed to run analyzer core. Make sure the correct 64-bit Java 11 or higher executable is used, or specify it manually.
- V063. Analysis aborted by timeout.